Without a vision a nation will perish. The UK is a nation with an amazing vision. It has a very diverse community that is a result of migration. Migration is inevitable. It is a constant flow, like a beautiful river.
This is another exciting year for a migrant like me. It is time to renew my visa. Where should I start? What are the new guidelines? Where should I go? What are the new requirements? How much will it cost? Am I eligible to apply? What documents do I need? The questions rush into my mind, like bullets being fired. It slows me down and impedes my ability to function.
For some, it might not be important, but for me it is vitally important. It is a simple mark on your passport but it is a mark that will keep me closer to my friends,
let me stay in a community to which I belong and let me live a meaningful life with my family.
The application process is constantly changing. However, the UK Border Agency also try their best to make it easy to access and to provide quick results. I have a complex case but by the grace of God, the free legal assistance provided to me and the clear UKBA guidelines I was able to obtain and renew my visa.
This nation has opened its doors and embraced us warmly. It has given me adventures, created lifelong friendships, opened doors for creativity, provided a safe environment. Most of all, it has accepted us as part of its one big diverse family.
Migrants come here from different places in different circumstances: legal assistance is always vital.
The requirements are constantly changing. A clear, concise explanation of requirements is helpful for migrants who want to renew their visas.
Providing valuable information and assistance also makes it possible for migrants to settle properly. When they have settled in they can also increase their capacity for integrating into the community. Efficient integration will produce a positive impact on society. Every migrant has specialised skills, which help build a strong community. Migrants have made a profound positive contribution to modern society.
A nation without a vision will surely will perish. A nation stopping the beautiful flow of migrants will blur its vision.