Speaking for Ourselves

MV's director recognised for contribution to migrants

MV's director recognised for contribution to migrants


 Migrant Voice - MV's director recognised for contribution to migrants

Migrant Voice Director, Nazek Ramadan has been selected for the Independent on Sunday's Happy List 2015. The Happy List highlighted Nazek’s contribution as ‘migrant empowerer’, going on to say: “Having come to Britain as a refugee from Lebanon in the 80s, Nazek launched the New Londoners newspaper in 2007 to publicise migrant and asylum issues. Three years later she founded campaign Migrant Voice to address the lack of migrants in the media, and fought xenophobia in this year's election campaign."

The Independent on Sunday’s eighth annual Happy List, is a collection of 100 inspirational heroes and heroines whose kindness, ingenuity and bravery make Britain a better place to live.

Founded in 2008 as an antidote to the lists that celebrate wealth as an end in itself, the Happy List is based on a different set of values. It honours individuals who give rather than take; the great Britons doing the very best work who go largely unnoticed and unrewarded.

The Happy List relies on the Independent on Sunday’s readers to sing the praises of the otherwise unsung. This year the paper had an extraordinary response, with hundreds more nominations submitted than ever before.

Chair of Migrant Voice, Jason Bergen said: “We are hugely proud of our Director Nazek Ramadan who was selected for the Independent on Sunday’s 2015 ‘Happy List’. She's made a lot of lives happier – even in difficult periods for migrants like the last five years. Congratulations Nazek Ramadan.”

Nazek said that she is delighted and honoured to be on the Happy List 2015.” But added that “ my work and success are due to the support and encouragement of the world class team of Migrant Voice.”


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Migrant Voice
VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

Phone: +44 (0) 207 832 5824
Email: [email protected]

Registered Charity
Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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