Speaking for Ourselves

Nuria Tissera's story

Nuria Tissera's story

Shabraz Ahmed

 Migrant Voice - Nuria Tissera's story

I am 26 years old and was born in Madrid in Spain from Argentinian parents, but now live in Birmingham city centre. I came to the UK in 2014 because I wanted to learn English and try to become a more independent person. The economic situation in Spain is very poor even for someone who has a Degree in Economics.  

I came to Birmingham to work as an Au Pair.  After three weeks I left the family I was working for due to bad working conditions. Luckily, I found another job looking after children and after this I found work in a café. I am currently studying English and Media at South and City College. I really like studying here.

In Birmingham there is a lot of diversity, a lot of foreign people, so people are used to speaking with people with difficulty with the language, people are really open, it is a really welcoming city. A city where you can develop yourself. A country with a lot of opportunities. That is why I chose the UK.

Over the last year I have made many friends through work and college. I am also involved in a church that supports the LGBT community. I recently participated in the Birmingham Opera Company’s production of Michael Tippet’s ‘The Ice break’ where I acted two parts. I really enjoyed this experience.

Here there is room for everyone, Christians, homosexuals, in Spain this is impossible. Here it is like a dream. You cannot be rejected. It is open, that is why my plan is to stay here long term.

At Digbeth Coach Station there is a sign that says “welcome to the city of a thousand welcomes.” When I go back to Madrid after a week I start to miss Birmingham.

Birmingham is my home town now.

View Nuria Tissera's video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Bdd0VW6ejs

This interview is part of a series of stories of migrants in Birmingham produced by participants of Migrant Voice's 'Many Faces, One City' project. The project celebrates the contribution of migrants to life in Birmingham. It brought together migrants and host community in Birmingham to build their skills in telling stories of migration through text, photo, film and social media.

Funded by Big Lottery – Awards for All, England.

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Migrant Voice
VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

Phone: +44 (0) 207 832 5824
Email: [email protected]

Registered Charity
Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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