Speaking for Ourselves

We're all Migrants!

We're all Migrants!

Ty Faruki

 Migrant Voice - We're all Migrants!

I recently embarked on a personal quest to uncover some of Britain’s migrants and deliver some of their personal stories to the wider public. The aim of the project was to demonstrate how Britain’s diversity has contributed to its betterment and amplified our union with culture. The project asked many questions including exploring whether racism is now sometimes expressed in discrimination towards other cultures or religions.

Britain has always spoken to many corners of the world, and in spite of what I see as our government’s harmful foreign policy; this island continues to attract many internationals seeking safety, education and what we like to call democracy.

One thing I think we all have in common – those who have moved to Great Britain from around the world and those of us born here - is a frustration with inequality, a fondness for freedom and liberation; and right now it appears these are not given enough value by many ruling elites, without care or wonder what the future holds without these.

I believe immigration must happen in order for the world to progress and shape itself. We must see through the language and skin barrier, reach out more and integrate. This is not just a task on the side of those who migrate but also for native brits.

Racism is not an exclusive characteristic of white British natives; it is expressed across a variety of cultures and ethnicities. Perhaps many of us neglect to see the way forward, not learning to bond with one another but habitually closing doors to a shade different to our own. If we are to discard intolerance and elect new understanding, a nation must both politically and communally draft pathways for social living in acceptance.

Radical change appears to be far away, while we allow parliament to talk negatively on immigration, disrespecting the arriving talent carried to Great Britain by migrants.

I often worry about the unconstructive criticisms being shelled at those who come here to make an honest living. Significant numbers are bringing factual benefits to this country. Before we joust each new arrival over, crying wolf to those who look and sound the same as you, I ask you to start a conversation with one who may not. You may seek solace in contrast for once.



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Migrant Voice
VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

Phone: +44 (0) 207 832 5824
Email: [email protected]

Registered Charity
Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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