Speaking for Ourselves

‘I will not tolerate hate crime’

‘I will not tolerate hate crime’


 Migrant Voice - ‘I will not tolerate hate crime’

The 12-18 December #StandTogether campaign launched by Migrant Voice is off to a flying start: the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has sent us a written pledge that he will not tolerate racist, xenophobic abuse or hate crimes of any form, anywhere in London.

“My pledge is to do everything possible to strengthen London’s social fabric and tighten the bonds between Londoners from different backgrounds.

“I’m committed to make London a fairer and more tolerant city, open and accessible to all, and one in which all can live and prosper free from prejudice.”

As an organisation dedicated to ensuring that migrants are seen and heard in the media, we are of course pleased that he specifically thanks us for our work in making migrant voices heard. We are even more pleased, however, that he has been crystal clear and unequivocal in his support for diversity, fairness, equity, tolerance, social integration and for “migrants from around the world, who make a huge contribution to the city, working hard and paying taxes and playing a major role in civic and cultural life.” 

This is not mere rhetoric. It is what all national, regional and local leaders should be declaring at a time when the key phrases and hashtags on a torrent of 53,000 Tweets in the wake of the murder of MP Jo Cox included: #refugeesnotwelcome; #defendEurope; #whitepower; #MakeBritainwhiteagain; #Stopimmigration; #DeportallMuslims; #Rapefugee and #BanIslam. 

So volatile is the situation that an open letter to MPs on the Equality and Human Rights Commission website at the end of November called on politicians to tone down campaigning that has "polarised" the country and "legitimised hate." It also called for a review of the operation and effectiveness of sentencing for hate crimes in England and Wales.

But to confront the online bullies, the hate speech bigots and those who resort to sticks and stones rather than words we need action at the grassroots level as well as promises at the top. We hope our conference in London, Migrants and Migration Post-Brexit: finding our voice to influence the new landscape, will be just the beginning of public action. We are encouraged to believe that hope will trump hate by Birmingham City Council’s decision to follow Sadiq Khan’s letter with its own pledge to #StandTogether against hate crime.

Get in touch

Migrant Voice
VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

Phone: +44 (0) 207 832 5824
Email: [email protected]

Registered Charity
Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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