Speaking for Ourselves

'We deserve to live, even if we are migrants'

'We deserve to live, even if we are migrants'


 Migrant Voice - 'We deserve to live, even if we are migrants'

A few weeks ago, we visited The Voice of Domestic Workers, an education and support group for migrant domestic workers in the UK. Many of the women there struggle to access the healthcare they are entitled to. (You can read our editorial on this issue here.)

We were there with two representatives of Doctors of the World to help some of the women understand their healthcare rights and provide training in writing blogs and making videos to tell their stories.

Here is some of what they wrote:


I’m undocumented but I’m human too.

I arrived here in the UK in 2013 and started working as a housekeeper/nanny. In 2017, I felt pain on my neck so I searched online for a private clinic because I am scared of my legal status here. I went to a walk-in centre and they charged me £200 to see a doctor, who just gave me some antibiotics. Then a “friend” of mine asked me if I wanted to be registered with a GP and she said I have to pay her £300 but I never saw her again! My last resort was to get a private GP which we all know costs a lot of money.

Thankfully I met a friend who is a member of The Voice of Domestic Workers and they helped me a lot to find a GP, through the help of Doctors of the World.

Now I have full access to the GP and they are treating me. Thank you The Voice of Domestic Workers and the Doctors of the World for your help!

I think there should be equality: whether the person is documented or undocumented, she should be treated the same.

If healthcare staff had proper training about people’s status, the inequality issue would be eliminated.

We are human, we all have rights!



Accessing GPs is a big problem for migrant domestic workers. Being undocumented and vulnerable in this country means it’s very hard to access our rights.

Many of us have had abusive employers, we have struggled, we are traumatised and trapped in the dark.

I need to call the attention of the UK government, the doctors, and the GP receptionists to tell them that we are also human and we have the right to be treated when we are sick.

To the GP receptionists, please do not ask a lot of requirements of us when you know that we are undocumented.

We deserve to live, even if we are migrants.



The first time I went to the clinic, I was refused and not treated properly, because of my nationality. I told the receptionist that I was in a lot of pain and couldn’t even straighten my back. But the receptionist only told me to book an appointment.

I asked why I need to book an appointment even though in my situation I need urgent or emergency treatment. Finally, after going there three times, I was finally treated. They found out I had a kidney stone.

I just want to say that the receptionists need to be properly trained and to help patients that need immediate assistance.




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Migrant Voice
VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

Phone: +44 (0) 207 832 5824
Email: [email protected]

Registered Charity
Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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