Speaking for Ourselves

Write to your MP about the impact of the visa process and costs on mental health and families

Write to your MP about the impact of the visa process and costs on mental health and families


 Migrant Voice - Write to your MP about the impact of the visa process and costs on mental health and families

For Mental Health Awareness Week and the UN Day of Families, which falls on Sunday, Migrant Voice is partnering with Reunite Families UK and Praxis to raise awareness on how the UK immigration system affects migrants, their families and their mental health.

This week we are asking everyone to write to their Member of Parliament about how the UK Visa and Immigration system has a drastic effect on migrants' mental health.

This comes as part of our wider visa fees campaign and the recent launch of our report into the impact the visa renewal process has on applicants.

There is a draft letter below that you can send to your MP. Just add your MP's name, your address, and sign off with your name. You can also edit the letter to add in your own lived experience where you feel it is relevant.

The more personal you make the letter, the bigger the impact it is likely to have on your MP. Don’t feel pressured to share more than you are comfortable, however.

You can find your MP by inputting your postcode to this website; it will also give you their email address so you can send them the letter.

Click here to download the template letter.

Let us know if you write to your MP, who they are, and if you get a reply by emailing [email protected].

Get in touch

Migrant Voice
VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

Phone: +44 (0) 207 832 5824
Email: [email protected]

Registered Charity
Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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