Speaking for Ourselves

BBC Asian Network reports on Parliament demo

BBC Asian Network reports on Parliament demo


 Migrant Voice - BBC Asian Network reports on Parliament demo

Rahil Sheikh from BBC Asian Network came down to the demonstration at Parliament on Thursday 24 January, where dozens of students were calling for justice after being wrongly accused of cheating on an English test by the Home Office.

He spoke to several students, including Ali, Zainab and Mohammed, about the impact of the allegation on their lives, as well as Migrant Voice director, Nazek Ramadan.

"This has destroyed my life," said Ali. "I have no money, no work." 

"We can't even go on holidays," his wife added. "Financially we're struggling."

Another student explained how both her parents have passed away since she's been stuck in the UK - she wasn't able to attend either of their funerals.

"I'm just alone," she said.

You can listen to the full report until 23 February 2019 here.

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