Speaking for Ourselves

BBC London reports on international student demonstration

BBC London reports on international student demonstration


 Migrant Voice - BBC London reports on international student demonstration

On 24 January 2019, BBC London reported on the demonstration outside Parliament by international students wrongly accused of cheating by the Home Office.

Reporter Tolu Adeoye spoke to Wahidur, one of the students affected, ahead of the protest.

"I lost my youth... I lost five years from my life and I'm still waiting to clear this allegation," he told her.

She also spoke with Stephen Timms MP, who is lobbying in Parliament on behalf of the students. 

"They trusted Britain to provide them with a decent education - sometimes their family savings were committed," he says. "Instead they've been treated terribly. So today, a cross-party group of MPs is calling on the Home Secretary to allow them to sit a new test and, if they pass, to get a visa so they can resume their studies."

You can watch part of the report here.

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