Speaking for Ourselves

Express & Star reports on Domestic Violence Awareness event organised by MV member

Express & Star reports on Domestic Violence Awareness event organised by MV member


 Migrant Voice - Express & Star reports on Domestic Violence Awareness event organised by MV member

On 29 October, the Wolverhampton Express & Star published a report (online and in print) about an international, online event to mark Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The event was organised by Migrant Voice member and Migrant Ambassador Farisai Dzemwa, who is herself a survivor of domestic violence and is keen to break the silence that often surrounds this subject.

"I want people to hear stories from the horses mouth and formulate a new view about domestic violence," she said. "I want people to start asking questions, rather than just agreeing with what society says, what communities say and what traditions are."

Read the full article here.


This article was pitched and published as part of the Meet a Migrant project.

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N1 9JP

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