Speaking for Ourselves

Media coverage of MV response to Settlement Scheme report

Media coverage of MV response to Settlement Scheme report


 Migrant Voice - Media coverage of MV response to Settlement Scheme report

On 27 February, the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration (ICIBI) published his second report into the EU Settlement Scheme, to which Migrant Voice responded.

Our response was cited in articles by The National and the New European, and in The Independent's live blog.

“We’re pleased that this ICIBI report shines a spotlight on some key concerns relating to the EU Settlement Scheme, such as the hidden costs of applying, a lack of transparency and detail in the Home Office data, and the need for consistency in how applications are processed," we said.

“Yet by focusing on the issues that arose in the first inspection – which took place in late 2018 – this report fails to acknowledge some fundamental problems with the scheme, explored in detail in our November 2019 report." 

Read our full response here

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N1 9JP

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