Speaking for Ourselves

Media coverage of National Audit Announcement over international students

Media coverage of National Audit Announcement over international students


 Migrant Voice - Media coverage of National Audit Announcement over international students

On Friday 26 April, the National Audit Office (top government watchdog) announced that they are officially investigating the Home Office over their treatment of thousands of students accused of cheating on the English test known as TOEIC.

The story was covered in The Guardian (and led the Guardian website for most of 27 April), The Independent, The Sun, Mail Online, Metro, PIE News, The New Indian Express, The Hindu, Tribune India and The Hindu Business Line.

The story was also reported on BBC radio news bulletins throughout Saturday 27 April, including quotations from Fatema and Wahidur, two of the students affected (listen here from 4:07). A report was also broadcast on BBC TV News that evening, and Migrant Voice Director, Nazek Ramadan, appeared live on BBC World News to speak about the issue. The BBC also published an online article.

Over the weekend, both Amelia Gentleman (Guardian journalist) and Jan Doerfel (immigration lawyer) spoke on LBC about the issue.

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