Speaking for Ourselves

Member speaks to Huffington Post about being an asylum seeker in the UK

Member speaks to Huffington Post about being an asylum seeker in the UK


 Migrant Voice - Member speaks to Huffington Post about being an asylum seeker in the UK

On 30 August, the Huffington Post published an article about the migrants who are crossing the Channel to reach the UK and the asylum system they encounter when they arrive.

Journalist Arj Singh spoke to Migrant Voice member Nas Popalzai about his experience of arriving in the UK as a teenager from Afghanistan, his years-long battle for refugee status, and his thoughts on the reaction of politicians to asylum seekers.

“People are commenting saying they are only coming here for benefits,” he said. “Let me tell you about myself – since I got status I haven’t taken a single benefit, I haven’t taken anything, I am working hard here –  I pay £400 for my flat, I pay £70 for my council tax. I work hard, I come home, I rest, then I go back to work. What those people are saying is absolutely shocking. They are not coming for benefits, they are coming for safety here.”

Read the full article here.

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N1 9JP

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