Speaking for Ourselves

Migrant Ambassadors Programme featured in I AM Birmingham

Migrant Ambassadors Programme featured in I AM Birmingham


 Migrant Voice - Migrant Ambassadors Programme featured in I AM Birmingham

The launch of our latest Migrant Ambassadors Programme in the West Midlands was featured in I Am Birmingham on 30 September.

Our Birmingham colleague Adam Ali said: “The programme aims to create conversations around media representation for migrant communities in the West Midlands and to highlight areas where more needs to be done. It’s about ensuring migrants are part of that representation, that their voices are included, their ideas and critiques are taken on board, that stories essentially about them don’t get published without them. We empower migrants by helping them understand the inner working of news media, by meeting journalists and editors and by pitching and following up stories about their communities.”

Former participants to the programme, now Migrant Ambassadors, spoke to I Am Birmingham about their experience. Althia Barnett said: “I had no idea about writing or pitching stories, I’d never met a journalist in my life and now I know so many of them, it’s an honour to learn from them and work with them. I also now write myself as well, and have become a citizen journalist. It’s a dream come true!”

Read the whole article here.

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Migrant Voice
VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

Phone: +44 (0) 207 832 5824
Email: [email protected]

Registered Charity
Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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