Speaking for Ourselves

Morning Star covers BBC Newsnight investigation into TOEIC injustice

Morning Star covers BBC Newsnight investigation into TOEIC injustice


 Migrant Voice - Morning Star covers BBC Newsnight investigation into TOEIC injustice

On February 9, the Morning Star covered a BBC Newsnight investigation, which found the Home Office used flawed evidence to deport thousands of students based on allegations of cheating on an English language test.

The article explored the injustice, including quotes from MV member Shana Sheikh and director Nazek Ramadan.

"This has impacted me very badly on my mental and physical health [so] that I can’t plan a baby,” she told the Morning Star. "I have become an anxiety patient. I’m losing my hair, I’m gaining weight.

"My friends and cousins are getting on with their careers, babies. I am still here struggling to prove my innocence. I’m not achieving anything."

Nazel told the publication: "Eight years is a shamefully long time for the government to continue ignoring its responsibility for creating and refusing to right this wrong, which affected 56,000 students."

Read the full article by clicking here

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