Speaking for Ourselves

MV director quoted in BirminghamLive

MV director quoted in BirminghamLive


 Migrant Voice - MV director quoted in BirminghamLive

On Tuesday 30 November, Migrant Voice director Nazek Ramadan was quoted in an article by BirminghamLive on protests in the city in solidarity with refugees following the recent tragedy in the Channel which claimed the lives of at least 27 people. 

Nazek criticised the government's Nationality and Borders Bill. Migrant Voice is calling on the government to introduce safe and legal routes for people seeking sanctuary in the UK.

"In terms of safe routes, there’s almost no way for asylum seekers to come to the UK," Nazek told the publication. "There are no routes, they can’t just go and apply. They have to be in the UK to apply and it’s not possible for them to come."

"There are a couple of settlement schemes but they are very small. According to the new proposal by the government, they would like everyone to wait in refugee camps for years and years and people who have agency or decided to save their life and their children’s and make that move themselves will be penalised and punished under the new immigration bill."

You can read the full article by clicking here


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Migrant Voice
VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

Phone: +44 (0) 207 832 5824
Email: [email protected]

Registered Charity
Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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