Speaking for Ourselves

MV Director quoted in coverage of new report on the impact of Brexit on families

MV Director quoted in coverage of new report on the impact of Brexit on families


 Migrant Voice - MV Director quoted in coverage of new report on the impact of Brexit on families

On 17 September, the University of Birmingham launched a new "Eurochildren" report into the impact of Brexit on EU families in the UK. The research was conducted in collaboration with Migrant Voice.

The launch was covered by Al Jazeera and the Guardian, and Scottish newspapers The National and The Scotsman. Three of the articles quoted Nazek Ramadan, Director of Migrant Voice.

"Migrant Voice calls on policymakers across the UK to take note of this research and work to ensure that all migrants to the UK feel safe and comfortable, and have a chance at a good and prosperous life," Nazek said.

Follow the links above to read the full articles.


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