Speaking for Ourselves

MV Director speaks live on Al Jazeera about students campaign

MV Director speaks live on Al Jazeera about students campaign


 Migrant Voice - MV Director speaks live on Al Jazeera about students campaign

On 2 May, Al Jazeera covered the "My Future Back" campaign on 'The Stream', an evening news programme broadcast on the AJ English TV channel and online.

MV Director Nazek Ramadan spoke live on the programme to explain the monumental injustice faced by these students.

"We've taken this issue because of the level of injustice those students faced and because those students were also caught in a hostile environment for migrants in the UK," Nazek said.

Financial Times journalist Robert Wright also spoke, arguing that the Home Office should have questioned the evidence sent to them by the testing company. Instead, they blindly accepted it and pressed ahead "on the basis of evidence so thin it's hard to see how anyone could have relied on it." (Robert covered this story for the FT in January.)

Al Jazeera also showed the trailer for the documentary "Inquisition", made for Migrant Voice by filmmaker Tim Langford and due to be launched in Westminster on 21 May.

Watch the report here (from 8:25).

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