Speaking for Ourselves

MV Director speaks to Morning Star about IPPR report on hostile environment

MV Director speaks to Morning Star about IPPR report on hostile environment


 Migrant Voice - MV Director speaks to Morning Star about IPPR report on hostile environment

On 3 September, the Morning Star published an article about a new IPPR report into hostile environment, which concluded that the policy had driven racism in society while failing to achieve its stated purpose - forcing people without status to leave the country.

MV Director Nazek Ramadan spoke to the Morning Star about these findings: “We’ve worked with thousands of migrants over the last decade, many of them facing unimaginable horrors at the hands of a Home Office that is trying to make them leave.

“Yet people stay in the UK because they have no other choice, because it’s not safe for them in their country of origin, because they were trafficked and are now trapped by their exploitative employer, because they have British children who they cannot simply leave behind, because the Home Office threw out its own rulebook when it told them to leave in the first place, because this is their home and it’s wrong to ask them to leave.”

Read the full article here.

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