Speaking for Ourselves

MV member and Director interviewed live on Channel 5 News

MV member and Director interviewed live on Channel 5 News


 Migrant Voice - MV member and Director interviewed live on Channel 5 News

On 27 June, Channel 5 News reported on the international students' campaign and the letter some of the students delivered to the Home Secretary earlier that day. The report included footage from the event at the Home Office, which was also attended by Stephen Timms MP, and a live studio interview with Imrose Mustafi, one of the students affected and an MV member, and MV Director Nazek Ramadan.

"I came to this country as a student to get something good. I don't want to get labelled as a cheater and as a criminal," Imrose said, adding: "Every day I feel like I'm in a prison."

Asked if he still has hope that the situation can be resolved, Imose said: "I know the truth needs to come out... Until this journey ends, I won't give up."

Watch the full report here.

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N1 9JP

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