Speaking for Ourselves

MV member & Director speak to Morning Star about 'absurd' new asylum rules

MV member & Director speak to Morning Star about 'absurd' new asylum rules


 Migrant Voice - MV member & Director speak to Morning Star about 'absurd' new asylum rules

On 14 January, the Morning Star published an article about the UK's new asylum rules, which state that the Home Office will not consider asylum claims from people who have passed through or have a connection to another 'safe' country. 

Migrant Voice Director Nazek Ramadan described the new rules as "absurd and barbaric".

"These new rules represent a deeply concerning shift even further away from the fair, humane Home Office the Home Secretary has pledged to create and they must be abandoned immediately," she said.

MV member Nas Popalzai described his journey to the UK aged 14, passed from one smuggler and one country to the next and having no idea of the asylum process in any country. 

"It’s cruel, these people lost their families, and you know they come here, there’s a very small chance to get here and then when they do they are sent back — it’s very bad."

Read the full article here.

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N1 9JP

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