Speaking for Ourselves

MV member & My Future Back campaigner writes for Free Movement about his struggles

MV member & My Future Back campaigner writes for Free Movement about his struggles


 Migrant Voice - MV member & My Future Back campaigner writes for Free Movement about his struggles

On 14 October, Free Movement published an article written by Wahidur Rahman, a Migrant Voice member, Migrant Ambassador and activist with the My Future Back campaign. Wahidur wrote about the devastating experience of being wrongly accused of cheating on an English test by the Home Office and the six years of battling to clear his name since then. 

"It was almost impossible for me to convince my mother that I am innocent as it’s a common fallacy in Bangladesh amongst our older generation that the UK is the bastion of truth and fairness," Wahidur wrote. "My mother had more trust in the UK government than in me! It’s nearly eleven years since I saw her, and I missed my father’s funeral because of this allegation. They spent all their savings for me to be educated in Britain and make them proud. Their dream has been shattered into a thousand pieces."

Read the full article here.

This article was pitched and published as part of the Meet a Migrant project.

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N1 9JP

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