Speaking for Ourselves

MV member Bashir speaks to Birmingham Mail on Afghanistan crisis

MV member Bashir speaks to Birmingham Mail on Afghanistan crisis


 Migrant Voice - MV member Bashir speaks to Birmingham Mail on Afghanistan crisis

On 17 August, Birmingham Live reported on the plight of our member Bashir. Bashir fled the Taliban in Afghanistan and came to the UK aged 14. He was refused refugee status upon turning 18, and is now fighting to stay in the UK. If he is deported, he fears being killed by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

"I am really shocked and heart broken to see what's happening and now it is going backwards from the past 20 years," Bashir told the newspaper.

"It's an unsafe and lawless country that has collapsed and has no law and order so for me to go back would be a death sentence."

Read the full article by clicking here 

Sign Bashir's petition campaining for his refugee status by clicking here 

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N1 9JP

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