Speaking for Ourselves

MV member speaks to Independent about unfair treatment by Home Office

MV member speaks to Independent about unfair treatment by Home Office


 Migrant Voice - MV member speaks to Independent about unfair treatment by Home Office

On Monday 9 December, the Independent published a story about Myriam, a Migrant Voice member and international student, whose life and future in the UK was destroyed when the Home Office made a mistake and failed to repair the damage.

"All those years of hard work have gone to waste when I was almost at the finishing line," Myriam said.

MV Director Nazek Ramadan also spoke to the Independent: “The way Myriam has been treated by the Home Office is despicable," she said. “She should be a proud British citizen by now, but instead she’s unfairly barred from a country that she called home for 10 years, her studies and plans for the future in ruins.”

Read the full article here.

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