Speaking for Ourselves

MV members speak to Guardian about NHS surcharge

MV members speak to Guardian about NHS surcharge


 Migrant Voice - MV members speak to Guardian about NHS surcharge

On 20 May, two MV members who work in the healthcare sector spoke to the Guardian about the impact of the NHS surcharge and the high cost of visas. 

"It’s a struggle to pay my rent and I’ve never had a holiday," said Folasade. "I pay £500 every month towards my debts for previous fees and next year I have to pay another set. I don’t know yet how I will pay them.”

MV Director Nazek Ramadan also spoke to the newspaper: “Ordinary families are being stripped bare. We know parents who are faced with the choice between feeding their children and renewing their visas.”

The article was the front-page story on the printed newspaper the following day.

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