Speaking for Ourselves

MV members speak to the Independent about impact of Covid-19 as part of My Future Back campaign

MV members speak to the Independent about impact of Covid-19 as part of My Future Back campaign


 Migrant Voice - MV members speak to the Independent about impact of Covid-19 as part of My Future Back campaign

Four MV members who have been impacted by wrongful allegations of cheating by the Home Office six years ago spoke to May Bulman at the Independent about how life has got even more difficult during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“It’s very hard when you realise that you can’t buy something for your kid. I need to think about every penny. We can’t buy him nice clothes or shoes,” says Akhlakur, one of the people impacted. “This allegation is killing us slowly. It’s like the Home Office is just playing with us.”

MV Director Nazek Ramadan also spoke to the journalist: “All of this suffering is totally unnecessary. Multiple investigations have proven that the evidence the Home Office is still using against these students is fundamentally flawed – yet the current home secretary is refusing to recognise the scale and severity of the issue and to find a real solution.”

Read the full article here.

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