Speaking for Ourselves

MV members speaks to ITV Central about Afghanistan crisis

MV members speaks to ITV Central about Afghanistan crisis


 Migrant Voice - MV members speaks to ITV Central about Afghanistan crisis

On 16 August, our member Bashir Ahmadzai was featured in a news clip by ITV central which interviewed several Afghans living in the UK.

Bashir came to the UK aged 14, fleeing recruitment by the Taliban. His asylum claim was rejected and he has been threatened with deportation by the Home Office.

"It's really heartbreaking believe me, I cried, I cried," Bashir told ITV Central. "At the end of the day that's where I'm from. I can't believe the whole world just abandoned the whole nation to a group of people who came down from the mountains."

Watch the full video by clicking here

Sign Bashir's petition by clicking here 

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N1 9JP

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Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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