Speaking for Ourselves

MV Migrant Ambassador writes for Huffington Post about her reaction to a sign found in a Tesco store

MV Migrant Ambassador writes for Huffington Post about her reaction to a sign found in a Tesco store


 Migrant Voice - MV Migrant Ambassador writes for Huffington Post about her reaction to a sign found in a Tesco store

On 1 December, Huffington Post published an opinion piece by Migrant Voice Migrant Ambassador Mariana Plamadeala. She was reacting to news that a Tesco store in Telford had used a sign to deter thieves that was written in Romanian, Mariana's native language. 

"For many years we have been fighting the stereotypes," she wrote. "In 2014, we were hurt when Nigel Farage said people would be “concerned” if a group of Romanian men “moved in next door”. In 2016, we were hurt by the result of the EU Referendum and the subsequent wave of hate crime. Now, with this sign, we’ve been hurt again.

"That’s because this sign is more than a piece of paper. It’s an alarm bell, crying out that the discrimination towards our community is still very much present, whether in a supermarket aisle, at work, at school or in a newspaper column."

Read the full article here.

This article was pitched and published as part of the Meet a Migrant project.

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