Speaking for Ourselves

MV responds to new report on discrimination against migrants

MV responds to new report on discrimination against migrants


 Migrant Voice - MV responds to new report on discrimination against migrants

On Wednesday 21 January, Eastern Eye published an article - online and in print - exploring new research by the Migration Observatory into discrimination faced by migrants in the UK. MV Director, Nazek Ramadan, was one of those to respond to the research. 

"These findings show what we have long known – that a lot of anti migrant sentiment in the UK is rooted in racism," she said. She claimed discrimination faced by migrants and their children does not solely come from individual British people – it is also embedded in the structures of the UK’s immigration system. "(It is) a system that allowed Windrush to happen, that uses lists of ‘high-risk countries’ to categorise visa applicants, that unfairly accused tens of thousands of international students of cheating – stripped them of their visas and denied them a chance to prove their innocence.

“Our vision is of a society where all migrants and their families are heard, respected, have rights, and are embraced as equal members of our community," she added. "This research shows we have a long way to go.”

Read the full article here.


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