Speaking for Ourselves

MV staff interviewed on no-deal end to freedom of movement

MV staff interviewed on no-deal end to freedom of movement


 Migrant Voice - MV staff interviewed on no-deal end to freedom of movement

On 23 August 2019, Public Technology published a long article in response to the announcement from the Home Office that freedom of movement will end on 31 October in the event of a no-deal Brexit. For the piece, Sam Trendall spoke to both MV Director Nazek Ramadan and MV staff member Anne Stoltenberg, who is also an EU national.

If freedom of movement were to end so abruptly, Nazek Ramadan said that there was not only “potentially disastrous repercussions at airports across the country as EU nationals try to return home”, but also a risk of citizens being denied healthcare, accommodation, or employment.

Anne Stoltenberg said: "For me, the new plan to end free movement so abruptly has led to internal conflict. Immediately after the Home Secretary’s statement when articles and comments started to throw around the incorrect notion that EU nationals would be considered illegal after 31 October, I felt fear and a sense of having to apply urgently for settled status. Then I felt annoyed at myself for feeling pushed to apply simply out of fear, when I know that EU nationals residing in the UK have until December 2020 at the very least to apply."

Read the full article here.

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