Speaking for Ourselves

'Scared and confused': Migrant Voice director on the impacts of the Rwanda bill and deportations from the UK

'Scared and confused': Migrant Voice director on the impacts of the Rwanda bill and deportations from the UK


 Migrant Voice - 'Scared and confused': Migrant Voice director on the impacts of the Rwanda bill and deportations from the UK

4 May: The Guardian detailed some of the real-life impact of the UK policy to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda, with little to no warning or explanation.

Nazek Ramadan told The Guardian, “The lack of communication from the Home Office means even those who in theory would not be likely to be removed to Rwanda feel that they might be,” she said. “Detaining people who are reporting to the Home Office is liable to just make people more fearful about turning up.”

Read the full article here.

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N1 9JP

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