Speaking for Ourselves

The Guardian publishes opinion piece about students' call for justice

The Guardian publishes opinion piece about students' call for justice


 Migrant Voice - The Guardian publishes opinion piece about students' call for justice

On 24 April, The Guardian published an opinion piece by political journalist Martha Gill, calling on Home Secretary Sajid Javid to take action over the injustice faced by thousands of international students wrongly accused of cheating.

The article came one day after The Guardian published two articles about the issue by Amelia Gentleman.

"How was this mistake made?" writes Martha. "Why weren’t “lessons learned” after the fury over Windrush, and appeals for justice listened to? Could it just be that the Home Office is this incompetent? Or is there another reason that, at a time when the government was set on bringing down immigration, it started throwing people out of the country on flimsy grounds?

"Logic and experience suggest something more sinister – a departmental bias towards removing as many people as possible, leading to a callous disregard for the human beings they dealt with."

Read the full article here.

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