Speaking for Ourselves

The Independent reports on international students campaign

The Independent reports on international students campaign


 Migrant Voice - The Independent reports on international students campaign

On 17 February, the Independent published a story about the international students’ campaign for justice, focusing on recent detentions of several students and the lack of action from the Home Office on the issue. The story was on the front page of the newspaper's digital edition on Monday 18 February.

“The Home Office is accused of failing to act on the plight of more than 35,000 people accused of cheating in English language tests – after a flawed investigation – so they can clear their names,” wrote Rob Merrick, Deputy Political Editor.

“Now MPs are set to investigate the scandal themselves, amid fresh evidence that some are still being detained, while others are living in poverty or have mental health problems.”

Our Director, Nazek Ramadan, said, “It is appalling that the Home Office is continuing to detain international students as recently as Wednesday, they need to stop this now.”

Read the full article here.

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