Speaking for Ourselves

West Midlands network meeting

West Midlands network meeting


 Migrant Voice - West Midlands network meeting

We are pleased to invite you to our next West Midlands network meeting: "Heroes for how long?" 

Please join Migrant Voice, MP for Warley, John Spellar, and immigration solicitor Katie Fennell on Wednesday 13 May, 3-5pm to look at the challenges for migrants having to renew their leave to remain or apply for new visas during the Covid-19 and the longer term impact of extortionate visa fees.

The meeting will take place online using the video tool Zoom.

At this time of Covid-19 there are many challenges for those who still need to apply for visas: from health risks to being unable to access legal advice, and being adversely affected by losing work. Some of our members are essential workers who still have to find money to renew their visas (£2,100 each), while risking their lives for others. Others can no longer meet the income threshold (£18,600) for spousal visas due to loss of income during Covid-19. 

While we welcome that the government has extended visas for some NHS workers, we are asking the government to extend all visas that are due to expire in the next months.

We are also aware that the visa fees continue to be extortionate and we are concerned about what will happen after the lockdown lifts. We know that the costs of immigration – including visa fees, the NHS surcharge, premium appointments for uploading documents, legal fees, the cost of citizenship – are leaving ordinary people, ordinary families, destitute and pricing people out of their rights.

As part of our campaign we have been calling for visa fees to be reduced to admin costs and for children’s applications to be free.

John Spellar MP has been at the forefront of challenging the government around fees and immigration issues affecting his constituents for over 30 years.

Immigration solicitor Katie Fennel, National Coordinator/Supervisor of Kids in Need of Defense UK at Central England Law Centre, will also join us to share some of her experiences of this issue and offer advice to those affected.

Ultimately, unless we speak out about how we’re affected, it’s difficult to change things. This meeting will give you the opportunity to do just that so your stories can be heard directly by policy makers. Even if you are not directly impacted, please do come along to share your thoughts on how we can campaign together for change on this issue.

To confirm your online attendance, email: [email protected] or call 07758 191798, and we will send you the Zoom log-in details.

Get in touch

Migrant Voice
VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

Phone: +44 (0) 207 832 5824
Email: [email protected]

Registered Charity
Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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