Speaking for Ourselves

Government must uphold our rights

Government must uphold our rights


 Migrant Voice - Government must uphold our rights

On a momentous occasion in this country's history – the triggering of Article 50 – we call on the UK Government to commit to upholding our rights.

They must immediately and unconditionally secure the rights of EEA migrants, their families and dependents, as part of respecting, maintaining and strengthening rights for all.

This moment is also an opportunity to put an end to the negative rhetoric and scapegoating of migrants and end the blame game for pressure on services and lack of resources and investment. It’s time to start recognising the contributions migrants make.

We need to start the process of healing the divisions in society and this can only happen when people's livelihoods and rights are guaranteed and confirmed and migrants are not shut out and blamed for the failures of wider economic policy.

We are also calling for EU migrants and other migrants to have a say and to have their voices heard in the negotiations and shaping the future and the policies that will impact on their lives and the lives of their families.

It is critical that all kinds of voices are represented during a process that may change Britain forever. The government must make a commitment to meaningful engagement with all parties, and particularly with migrants, which are likely to be most affected. We are a part of Britain and deserve to be listened to over the coming years.

It is down to all of us to help make sure that over the next few years - whatever our future relationship with Europe - Britain becomes a place that is united, open to the world, and a place that doesn’t play off migrants’ rights against citizens’ rights in a game that would only lead to a race for the bottom for both.

Britain still has a chance to uphold and treasure the values it has long stood for.

Get in touch

Migrant Voice
VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

Phone: +44 (0) 207 832 5824
Email: [email protected]

Registered Charity
Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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