Speaking for Ourselves

Integration is a two-way street

Integration is a two-way street


 Migrant Voice - Integration is a two-way street

The new report on migration and integration from the All Party Parliamentary Group on social integration is to be cautiously welcomed. It recognises the urgent need for a national strategy. It acknowledges that integration is a responsibility shared between host and newcomer, and that local, regional and national government have a duty to promote and maintain harmony.

It is neither fair nor sustainable to expect newcomers to integrate unaided in the face of considerable social, cultural, and economic barriers.

This is why we remain critical of proposals to force migrants to swear an oath of allegiance or even to learn English prior to arrival, when in some countries is not an option. New migrants should not be regarded as needing to be dealt with by force.

Whilst we may question aspects of the APPG report, its headline is welcome: we must act nationally to promote cohesion. New migrants bring in £1.34 for every £1 spent – but in the absence of a real debate that includes migrant voices, hostility and scepticism has been allowed to damage prospects for integration and harmony.

It’s time to end the rhetoric of competition between migrants and citizens for work, housing and education.

If the political will exists, Britain is fully capable of resourcing its communities to enable migrants to communicate, access vital services, and build on their abilities to add to our culture, economy and country.

Migrant Voice believes this conversation about integration is long overdue, and that the views of new and established migrants should be represented fairly within the conversation. 

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Migrant Voice
VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

Phone: +44 (0) 207 832 5824
Email: [email protected]

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Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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