Speaking for Ourselves

Migrant benefit cuts plan is unfair and unworkable

Migrant benefit cuts plan is unfair and unworkable


 Migrant Voice - Migrant benefit cuts plan is unfair and unworkable

It is deeply concerning to see plans to block in-work benefits to EU migrants apparently re-emerging.

It has been reported that the government plans to stop EU migrants from claiming benefits as part of Brexit negotiations. Such plans have been discussed before – and it’s a shame to see them come up again.

It would be an affront to a basic British sense of fair play for migrants to have to pay tax and national insurance but not be able to draw on support in tough times.

Recently-arrived migrants were found earlier this year to contribute £1.34 for every £1 drawn from the state. Migrants are not bigger welfare claimants than any other group – nor is it wrong for anyone who falls on hard times to draw the support that they are entitled to.

And the numbers on contributions do not begin to measure the contribution made to our culture and our daily lives by those who choose to come to Britain.

These plans are yet another disappointing example of EU migrants being used as political footballs in political games surrounding the Brexit deal. And they risk creating a two-tier system that makes the most vulnerable migrants into second-class citizens.

Rather than attacking both migrants and welfare claimants by continually drawing unevidenced links between the two, our leaders should – following the resignation of UK’s ambassador to Europe – redouble their efforts to negotiate a European settlement that is fair for all.

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