Speaking for Ourselves

Ask your MP to stand up against poverty

Ask your MP to stand up against poverty


 Migrant Voice - Ask your MP to stand up against poverty


Migrant Voice are supporting London Challenge Poverty week. We are asking our members and supporters to email or write a letter to their MP asking them to stand up against poverty, and to put an end to the policies that have been implemented over the past few years which cost migrants tens of thousands of pounds, pushing many into poverty.

While this is a campaign week focused on London, we encourage you to write to your MP no matter where you live. You may just need to delete some of the text below that relates specifically to London.

Make sure to include your MP’s name at the top of the letter, and your name and address (or just your postcode) at the bottom of the letter. Please do let us know if you send an email or letter, and which MP you send it to! It would be great to know if you get a response too!

You can find out who your MP is and how to contact them here: members.parliament.uk/FindYourMP


Dear [Insert name of MP here]

This week is London Challenge Poverty week, and I am writing to you today to support their call to end poverty now. With over one in four people in London living below the poverty line, the campaign calls on the government to act and improve the lives of millions in London and across the country.

One group that is being forced into poverty are the many migrants subjected to immigration policies that have been implemented by the government over the past decade.

I am writing to support Migrant Voice’s call to put an end these policies. Many migrants are forced to pay huge sums for their immigration and visa – which can reach in excess £10,000 every 2.5 years for a family of 4 – resulting in them living in poor accommodation, struggling to put food on the table, and having to work 3 or more jobs just to get by.

It cannot be that in a modern society people are pushed into poverty just so they can stay in the country. The fees that migrants pay have been rising for years, and over the past decade have increased exponentially. With the introduction of the health surcharge this has increased fees even more. These policies have left migrants forced between choosing whether to put food on the table or to save this money to pay for their visas.

This hostile treatment of migrants must end, and because of this I am supporting Migrant Voice’s calls to put an end to the extortionate cost of visas in the UK. I ask you, as my MP, to back the campaign and stand up for all of those who are currently paying or have paid for these extortionate visas.


[Your name]



Get in touch

Migrant Voice
VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

Phone: +44 (0) 207 832 5824
Email: [email protected]

Registered Charity
Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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