Speaking for Ourselves

Launch of Status Now Network & Campaign

Launch of Status Now Network & Campaign


 Migrant Voice - Launch of Status Now Network & Campaign

We are proud to be one of 65+ organisations in the Status Now Network, launching on 11 July. We are calling on the Government to grant leave to remain to all undocumented migrants in the UK, and all migrants in the legal system, including asylum seekers.

Find out more about the launch here.

Currently, migrants who are destitute and/or undocumented live in the shadows and fear what will happen to them if they try to access healthcare, emergency shelter and food, or report or seek protection from domestic violence, rape, exploitation and other abuses – levels of which are rising. 

With the Covid-19 pandemic, these issues have only been exacerbated, leaving many migrants struggling to keep themselves and those around them safe.

Anna, who is an undocumented migrant in London, explained what life has been like for her during the pandemic.

"Undocumented migrants struggle to access health services,” Anna said. “Even if we have the symptoms, we keep it to ourselves as we are afraid to visit the hospital, we are afraid that our status will be asked. And also, those who lost their jobs were unable to pay their rent and to buy food for our everyday basic needs." 

Status for all would mean every human, irrespective of their nationality or citizenship, can access healthcare, housing, food and the same sources of income from the State as everyone else. It would also enable everyone to access Covid-19 testing and tracing schemes (and any future vaccination programmes) and to follow public health directives, and therefore to contribute openly and without fear to keeping themselves and those around them safe. 

letter sent in March and signed by 65+ organisations calling for #StatusNow4All went unacknowledged and unanswered by both the Prime Minister and the Taoiseach.

The online launch event on 11 July is celebrating the newly formed Network with cultural events, and discussions from people with lived experience of being undocumented, MPs, Trade Unions and some of our signatories.

To find out more about the Network/campaign and how to get involved, contact us at [email protected].

Get in touch

Migrant Voice
VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

Phone: +44 (0) 207 832 5824
Email: [email protected]

Registered Charity
Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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