Speaking for Ourselves

Symbols of Home: Refugee Week 2020

Symbols of Home: Refugee Week 2020


 Migrant Voice - Symbols of Home: Refugee Week 2020

During Refugee Week 2020, Migrant Voice has been working with our members and other partners in the MiFriendly Cities project to share Symbols of Home - an object, photograph or meal that reminds us of home. The picture above was sent by our member Louise Andrews from Jamaica, who misses "the warmth of the sunshine and the heart of the people".

We also made a video with our take on Brian Bilston's famous poem 'Refugees', recreated by our members and supporters in the West Midlands.

Watch the video here.

And scroll down for some more of our members' Symbols of Home...

symbols of home refugee week 2020

"My different colours of Jamaican passports and currency are my reminders of home." - Althia Barnett, Birmingham

symbols of home refugee week 2020

"This clay tandoori oven reminds me of my grandparents and their kitchen. They used to burn wood for about 20 minutes and then cook the meal on it. Lovely!" - Zahida Parveen, Birmingham

symbols of home refugee week 2020

"Four generations at one of our family annual reunions, this is a symbol of home for me." – Farisai J Dzemwa, Wolverhampton


symbols of home refugee week 2020

"Over the last 25 years, I’ve moved home and country many times. The simplest way I've found to make a place a home is the cards/photos I put up and can easily move again to remind me of home and who I am." - Anne



symbols of home refugee week 2020

“Bangladesh is a top producer of jute which makes her unique. Jute processing is a manual technique with a rich heritage. In this photo farmers are retting jute fibre from the stems and bundling up for the next stage. Due to its traditional nature it reminds me of home."  - Morshed Akhtar, Walsall


symbols of home refugee week 2020

"Symbols of home, beautiful country Jamaica. Missing the warmth of the sunshine and the heart of the people!"  - Louise Andrews, Birmingham

Get in touch

Migrant Voice
VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

Phone: +44 (0) 207 832 5824
Email: [email protected]

Registered Charity
Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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