Speaking for Ourselves

Factsheet:Child Family Reunion: Dublin III

Factsheet:Child Family Reunion: Dublin III


 Migrant Voice - Factsheet:Child Family Reunion: Dublin III

The Migrants Law Practice has produced a number of factsheets intended to assist non-lawyers understand eligibility and the process for child family reunification under Dublin III.

The factsheets provides information on the eligibility criteria, process and evidence required for someone has a relative who is a child alone in Europe seeking to bring them to live with them in the UK.  

The Migrants’ Law Project is working with Safe Passage to provide assistance to people seeking Family Reunion under Dublin III. If you believe that you or your family may benefit from family reunion under Dublin III, please contact Safe Passage: 

Main line: 020 7112 4984; email: info[at]safepassage.org.uk; website: www.safepassage.org.uk

Click on the following links to access the factsheets 



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N1 9JP

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