The 1954 Convention on the Status of Stateless Persons defines a stateless person as “a person who is not considered as a national by any State under the operation of its law”. UNHCR estimates that there are up to 12 million stateless people in the world, but defining exact numbers is hugely problematic. A new joint report by UNHCR and Asylum Aid seeks, Mapping Statelessness, seeks to shed light on the complex and hidden issue of statelessness. It is the first research of its kind to ascertain the extent of the problem and the dire human consequences for stateless people in the UK. This report draws on comprehensive quantitative and qualitative research on stateless persons in the UK. Many of them are left without legal residences, consular protection or right to return to their countries of origin. The UK lacks specific law, policy and procedure to address many of the issues stateless persons face, and this report suggests that stateless persons without leave to remain status are at the risk of human rights infringement. It also provides various effective recommendations for the UK authorities to improve the situations. The full report and executive summary by UNHCR and Asylum Aid are available at