Speaking for Ourselves

new play set in a container

new play set in a container

Daniel Nelson

 Migrant Voice - new play set in a container

Cargo at the Arcola Theatre is set in a container – which gives a clue of what the play is about.

A stronger clue comes from the recent activities of the writer, Tess Berry-Hart: last year she visited the refugee camp at Calais and became aid and advocacy co-ordinator for Calais Action: “I’ve loaded up a few containers in my life.”

So it’s not surprising that her latest play is about unaccompanied children on their way to Europe. In a container.

Other people are on the crossing, and some don’t wish the children well. (“Goods get damaged all the time.”)

The audience will be there, too. “This is immersive theatre,” says Berry-Hart, “when you surround the audience. They won’t be aloof.”

It’s a thriller and not documentary theatre, but Berry-Hart has met unaccompanied children during her trips to Calais - “It’s always a shock when you see children on their own” - though she insists that none of the characters in the play are based on real individuals.

However, she is clear that she aims to inform – without lecturing or hectoring – and motivate people to act.

"I'd like to let the audience empathise with the difficulties that refugees face in an informative and entertaining way. People always take in more when they feel that they're not being preached to.

“People feel powerless and helpless because there are so many problems around the issue. I hope people who see the play will want to do grassroots work, whether it’s volunteering or raising money. There’s always a need for grassroot volunteers ” because the authorities are not doing enough to tackle the situation and support the newcomers.

Activism will be encouraged by after-show events involving different groups engaged with the migration crisis 

Social engagement comes naturally to the writer. Her previous work has covered LGBT rights, mental illness, genetic engineering and the sex-positive movement, as well as verbatim theatre  pieces in support of support human rights campaigns.

Meanwhile, the situation at Calais continues to be appalling: "Despite half of the Calais camp being bulldozed earlier this year and mainstream media reporting that the camp has been closed, the camp is very much still in existence and there are over 5,000 people squeezed into a few acres of land in tents and makeshift shelters. Calais Action sends over supplies and helps raise funds and awareness to alleviate the hardship in the camp."

* Cargo is at the Arcola, Ashwin Street, E8, 6 July-6 August, £10/£12/£14/£17. Info: http://www.arcolatheatre.com/event/cargo/2016-07-06/

Post-show Q&As:

+ 13 July, the cast, designer Max Dorey and director David Mercatali.

+ 20 July, with Calais Action, Help Refugees and Tess Berry-Hart.

+ 27 July, with the Refugee Support Network and Migrant Support Network

*  http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/calais-action Calais Action. It was formed in August 2015 and has raised over £20,000 

*  http://www.calaidipedia.co.uk/the-uk-grassroots-movement Calaid-ipedia

Get in touch

Migrant Voice
VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

Phone: +44 (0) 207 832 5824
Email: [email protected]

Registered Charity
Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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