What helps integration?
Human Rights – it is necessary for integration that we all have these basic rights, protection and freedoms. As outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international covenants every individual should have these rights protected: including equality in law and in employment, and the right to vote.
Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are not treated differently or less favorably, on the basis of their specific protected characteristics, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age.
What helps integration?
Focus on kids and Mothers: Perhaps one of the most important areas to invest in is in our children and their future. People have a right to life and security, to a sustainable livelihood, to work, to be heard, to have an identity, to be able to join their family members and to have access to basic social services.
English language learning: English ability is possibly the most important indicator of level of immigrant integration, opening up job opportunities and allowing for engagement with education, healthcare and giving an overall sense of belonging. It is therefore essential that migrants have the possibility (access to ESOL, Library, time, money) to access English language learning.
Being allowed to study and having qualifications recognised at schools and Universities: Academic qualification is an essential requirement of a progressive and developing career which provides many opportunities to get promotions and effectively build one’s career. Moreover, academic qualifications could guarantee a prosperous and successful life by securing a good job and attractive salary packages. Therefore academic qualifications are of great importance to get ahead in the race of life.
Working together, NGOs and Volunteering: As a society we are a confederation of affiliates, seeking maximum impact by building on our respective strengths. By working together, we enhance our collective impact and cost effectiveness, and contribute to a just world without poverty.
Legal status and push for immigration reform: Government must play a critical role in debates on immigration reform. Living in the shadows without legal immigration status is one of the biggest barriers to integration. The fear of deportation, lack of ability to negotiate fair wages, or lack of access to services can squash any other integration efforts.
These photos and accompanying writing were made as part of the Changing Lenses; London stories of Integration project. You can listen to my podcast for the project here: https://soundcloud.com/migrant-voice/michael