Speaking for Ourselves

Comment from MV Director in The National article about Theresa May

Comment from MV Director in The National article about Theresa May


 Migrant Voice - Comment from MV Director in The National article about Theresa May

On 26 May, two days after Prime Minister Theresa May announced her impending resignation, The National published an article by Greg Russell about May's legacy at the Home Office.

Migrant Voice Director Nazek Ramadan contributed a comment, which was quoted in full:

“Theresa May’s time as Home Secretary was marked by a series of unjust policies that continue to ruin the lives, families and futures of people in this country,” she said.

“It was during those years that the Home Office introduced the ‘go home’ vans, the salary threshold that forces families to live apart, the end of legal aid for immigration cases, the ‘deport first, appeal later’ approach, the extraordinary ramping up of visa and citizenship costs, sowed the seeds of the Windrush scandal, and made the devastating decision to strip more than 35,000 international students of their visas without scrutinising the evidence against them, a failure detailed in a National Audit Office report published yesterday.

“Theresa May’s legacy as Home Secretary is a toxic hostile environment that demonises migrants, punishes the innocent, and turns ordinary citizens into unwilling border guards.

“This legacy must be urgently dismantled.”

Read the full article here.

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N1 9JP

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