Speaking for Ourselves

Coverage of MV report on EU Settlement Scheme

Coverage of MV report on EU Settlement Scheme


 Migrant Voice - Coverage of MV report on EU Settlement Scheme

On 19 November, we launched a report on the findings of our survey on the EU Settlement Scheme. Several journalists wrote articles about our new report, citing statistics, citing some of those who had completed the survey, and quoting MV Director Nazek Ramadan who commented on the concerning findings.

The Independent, The National and Euractiv wrote about the report, and Politico included news about it in their daily email to their subscribers.

“These findings are deeply concerning," said Nazek Ramadan, "especially given the vast scale of this scheme and the devastating consequences for those who are failed by it or who do not apply before the deadline – the sudden loss of lawful residence in the UK and all the rights that go with that.

“While we welcome the fact that many people are finding the process a smooth one, it is troubling that so many people are facing significant technical problems, poor guidance, delays and a lack of communication. The severe impact on the health and wellbeing of so many of those applying or facing the prospect of it is equally concerning.

“We call on all UK politicians and all who have a role to play in the continued development and implementation of the EU Settlement Scheme to read this report and act swiftly on its recommendations.

“The message, repeated so often by our politicians, that EEA [European Economic Area] nationals and their families are welcome here must be made a reality through legislation that guarantees their rights, regardless of the outcome of Brexit, and through a declaratory or registration scheme that works for all.”

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