Speaking for Ourselves

Morning Star quotes Migrant Voice in report on nationwide demonstration in support of migrants and refugees

Morning Star quotes Migrant Voice in report on nationwide demonstration in support of migrants and refugees


 Migrant Voice - Morning Star quotes Migrant Voice in report on nationwide demonstration in support of migrants and refugees

On 18 September, the Morning Star published an article about a planned day of action in support of migrants and refugees. The article covered a number of issues relating to migration policy, including the restarting of in-person immigration reporting and a recent report that criticised the Home Office approach to migration issues.

On the issue of immigration reporting, Migrant Voice Director Nazek Ramadan said: “In-person reporting is an unnecessary and gruelling process even in normal times.

“The last few months have given people a welcome respite from the terror of being detained and deported — and that the Home Office are now restarting this, despite rising Covid infections, suggests that looking tough on immigration is more important to them than keeping people safe.”

Read the full article here. 

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