Speaking for Ourselves

Migrant Voice Director and Members speak to Eastern Eye about our #MyFutureBack campaign

Migrant Voice Director and Members speak to Eastern Eye about our #MyFutureBack campaign


 Migrant Voice - Migrant Voice Director and Members speak to Eastern Eye about our #MyFutureBack campaign

On 4 May, Migrant Voice Director Nazek Ramadan and some MV members spoke to Eastern Eye about our #MyFutureBack campaign, our fight for justice for thousands of international students wrongly accused of cheating in their Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) exams.

Nazek said: "There are tens of thousands affected by this scandal and injustice. ... The challenge for the government is acknowledge this."

Wahidur, one of the students, told Eastern Eye: "It was devastating; it was a miserable life. All my rights had been taken away. They took away the prime of my life. It will always haunt me. For nothing, I lost seven years of my life."

The article also quotes Amjad Malik, a solicitor who has been working with some international students affected, who said: "An independent investigation must be carried out to seek course correction. It’s unfortunate that justice is not done with international students who were here legally and paid a huge amount of money to study. The system failed them."

We continue our campaign for justice for all students affected.

Read Eastern Eye's article here.


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VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

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Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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