Speaking for Ourselves

Migrant Voice director quoted in the Guardian on the Rwanda deal

Migrant Voice director quoted in the Guardian on the Rwanda deal


 Migrant Voice - Migrant Voice director quoted in the Guardian on the Rwanda deal

On 4 October, our director Nazek Ramadan was quoted in the Guardian in an article on the appointment of Alexander Downer to a UK government panel to oversee its plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda.

On deportations and the government's plan, Nazek said: “We should welcome people seeking safety, not force them onto flights to Rwanda,” Ramadan said. “This ill-considered, deport-first-ask-questions-later scheme is a legal, moral, and financial disaster, which is why it is falling apart. It’s a mark of desperation that the so-called independent panel includes someone who pushed a similar scheme to Rwanda with brutal consequences.”

Read the whole article here.

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N1 9JP

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