Speaking for Ourselves

MV Director speaks to The National about current UK asylum system

MV Director speaks to The National about current UK asylum system


 Migrant Voice - MV Director speaks to The National about current UK asylum system

On 8 November, The National published an article about the Home Secretary's approach to immigration policy, quoting a leading SNP politician and Migrant Voice Director Nazek Ramadan, among other experts.

"Nazek Ramadan, director of Migrant Voice, said the deaths of an entire Iranian family in a dinghy in the Channel should shame us all.

"However, she added: 'Instead, we see continued talk about arresting smugglers and turning back boats, while those who reach the UK are detained in utterly inhumane conditions, likely in an attempt to deter crossings – these are neither logical nor moral responses.'"

Read the full article here.

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